

The fear of dental appointments is a common source of anxiety for many people. Often, individuals envision a dentist wielding a drill, ready to cause pain and extract teeth. However, the reality is quite different. In a good dental practice, the comfort, relaxation, and happiness of the patient are the top priorities. The staff will make every effort to reduce anxiety, alleviate fears, and provide painless and quick treatments. Recent technological advancements have even allowed dentists to replace noisy drills with painless laser beams. Additionally, there are various safe anesthetics available to eliminate pain and reduce anxiety during routine appointments.

Here are some common dental fears:

  • Fear of gagging

  • Fear of loss of control

  • Fear of not becoming numb when injected with Novocain

  • Fear of pain

  • Fear of the dentist as a person

  • Fear of the handpiece (or the drill)

To overcome dental anxiety, it's important to address these fears. Dental anxiety can be overwhelming, and it's estimated that up to 35 million people avoid dental visits altogether due to fear. However, regular dental check-ups and cleanings are crucial for maintaining excellent oral hygiene and reducing the need for more complex treatments.

Here are some tips to reduce dental fear and anxiety:

  • Talk to your dentist about your fears and anxiety. They can take extra precautions during visits if they know about your concerns.

  • Bring a portable music player to listen to calming music during the appointment, which can help reduce anxiety.

  • Agree on a signal with your dentist to indicate when you're feeling significant pain or discomfort.

  • Use throat sprays to control the gag reflex.

  • Take a mirror to watch the procedure, which can help keep reality at the forefront of your mind.

  • Consider sedation options if necessary, as they can help you relax during treatment.

  • Ask about alternative treatments, such as dental microsurgery, which may be less anxiety-inducing. Discuss all available options with your dentist to find the most effective and least anxiety-provoking solution.